Let's Talk About Pokemon - 151 Animals That NEED to be Pokemon Yesterday (Part 6)

(Photo by Francisco Alba)

51. Potoo

Potoos are another animal that ascended to meme status when everyone realized just how silly and weird they looked. Like owls, they're fairly nocturnal and fly around with their huge frog-like mouth to swallow insects whole.

As a Pokemon: Definitely needs a Pokemon that takes advantage of their huge eyes to create a funny face, but also has its mouth hinge open like a one-step trash can. Maybe with an emphasis on sound abilities since it has one of the most distinct bird calls.

52. Horned Lizard

This is the lizard with the blood-squirting eyes! It simply uses this weird mechanism to deter predators into leaving it alone. It's also known for its strong hide and being immune to the venom of its prey, ants.

As a Pokemon: They definitely couldn't have a literal blood-shooting Pokemon, but they COULD have it shoot some type of eye-beams. Or perhaps a Dark type that looks wicked and badass but has a tendency to fake-cry when it's not winning a fight.

(Photo on Shutterstock)

53. Turkey

Obviously, the bird most associated with Autumn and the males that make their signature gobbling call. While they're not flightless like is commonly assumed, they can only maintain short bursts of flight, so they commonly stick to the ground and even nest down there.

As a Pokemon: There's certainly ways you could design a turkey Pokemon in a lot of the same ways you would design a peacock Pokemon since they're somewhat similar animals, but I think a turkey with various autumn leaf colors in its tail display would be neat. But other than that, it would be hilarious if they somehow incorporated hands into their design since it's a common kindergarten and early grade school activity to draw turkeys by outlining your own hand. Perhaps by making its tail feathers move individually like claw-fingers!

(Photo by Christian Hagenlocher)

54. Loon

I must've really been in a bird mood when I jotted down this part of the list. Nonetheless, on the surface not too unusual for waterfowl, but they have a striking, pretty pattern to their feathers. Plus they have one of the most distinct, and even creepy-sounding calls.

As a Pokemon: Another Pokemon that could look good with a moon motif, but it could also do with some fairly striking black and white patterns in its feathers to give it a lot of splash of style.

(Image on SuperStock)

55. Moose

Another animal everyone already knows so much about it's hard to write an “interesting facts” bit here. A Canada-inspired region seems to be up there in terms of what regions of the world fans want Pokemon-ified, and a Moose is rather obviously a perfect fit for such a place.

As a Pokemon: While it is somewhat predictable, a tree-like Moose would be pretty cool. And to add a little extra spice, you could stylize its huge antlers as something that looks like a natural treehouse, with loads of bird Pokemon that nest in said treehouse horns.

(Photo by P. Deoliveira)

56. Swordfish

Another animal you see all over people's Fakemon projects. Swordfish are predatory and swish back and forth to injure or stun prey with their long, sharp bills.

As a Pokemon: Literal interpretations turn it sword-like, so to think outside the box at least a little bit, a Swordfish Pokemon could have a long harpoon for a nose, perfect for its fish-hunting habits!

(Photo by Eric Gofreed)

57. Weevil

These bugs have been getting their due attention lately! These funny looking beetles have elongated snouts with the tiniest of jaws on the very tip of them, which they use to drill into nuts, seeds, and even wood to lay their eggs.

As a Pokemon: Their overall comical appearance and presence of huge round eyes, antennea positioned like a mustache, and a big "nose", they could be a good Pokemon based on the "Groucho glasses"!

58. Parasaurolophus

The famous “duck-billed” dinosaur, Parasaurolophus has a huge head crest sticking out of the back of its skull that's to this day still not 100% certain what it was used for. Though, the common current theory is that it was used for mating or intimidation displays or even channeling sound through it for a mating call.

As a Pokemon: A musical Parasaurolophus with an instrument-shaped crest like a horn could be a neat look!

(Photo by Elenarts)

59. A More Traditional Pterosaur

We got Aerodactyl as a Rhamphorhynchid, a family of toothed Pterosaurs, and also Archeops as an Archaeopteryx, while not a pterosaur, is seen as the gap between dinosaurs and modern birds. So it's always struck me as funny how to this day we don't have a traditional beaked Pterosaur. If nothing else, it'd complete a sort of “trifecta” of winged prehistoric beasties.

As a Pokemon: Come to think of it, I almost wonder how Galar's fossil freakshow would look if they had a Pterosaur in there in place of either Vish or Arcto. On one hand, we wouldn't have my favorite in Arctozolt, but the one I find the least interesting, Arctovish, would've been funny because the potential of a pterosaur with the head of a Dunkleosteus would've been one of those things that sounds badass on paper but would probably look really silly.

Anyway, Pterosaurs come in so many shapes and sizes that you could probably pick out a good number of ideas. A big pair of shears for a beak? A big boomerang-shaped head and a behavioral tendency to fly in big circles? Heck it, moon motif. I'm apparently in the mood for those.

60. Stegosaurus

The one complication the Galar fossils bring is that they introduced a handful of untouched prehistoric animals, but we only got half of a design for each of them. And even then, “Vish” feels more like a Dunkleosteus representation than “Draco” does a Stegosaurus representation. So I am in the end still feeling a need for a proper Stegosaurus Pokemon, even if Draco would potentially mean we wouldn't get one for quite a while.

As a Pokemon: A stego would be a good candidate for a Grass starter, come to think of it. With big leaves in place of its bony plates or maybe even a Grass/Steel Stego with a chainsaw for a back and tail.

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