Let's Talk About Pokemon - Chien-Pao

Scarlet/Violet model gifs ripped by Twitter user adamsb0303!


Will you be long?

1002: Chien-Pao

The next of the apocalyptic quadruplets is the sword this time, making a body made of snow and ice crystals rather than leaves and grass, taking up the appearance of a cross between a saber-tooth tiger and a stoat. It's apparently the embodiment of the hatred of those that were slain by this very sword, which is surprisingly raw and dark-fantasy feeling even for a Pokemon.

Not sure if it's a rawness that's quite matched by the design, which feels a little silly, given the goofy proportions, soft paws, and the floppy wet noodle bod. But again! I think it's cool that Legendary Pokemon this time around seem to be a little bit sillier than usual. Especially because the alternative is conventionally cool but homogeneous mush like Dialga and Palkia. And hey, stoats are pretty fearsome little predators despite their size and claim to internet fame usually being how adorable they are.

Plus, another cool thing that this Legendary group is doing is that NONE of them look alike, which is a far cry from the Tapus, which felt like variations on the same idea, let alone the Lake trio or the Genies, which were copy-pasted designs with slight variations. The only thing these four have in common is that the treasure they possess is a part of their body somehow, which is so much more of a flexible design theme.

Speaking of, Chien-Pao incorporates its sword as very long, saber-tooth fangs, right down to it being the same sword, just broken in half. The single most badass detail of the design being how you can see the sword halves poking through the top half of its head. That body's just made of snow, after all! It even incorporates that thing where an Ice-type Pokemon will be peppered in ice crystals, but at least dotting them down its body like they're leopard spots. While I'm not in love with it like I am with Wo-Chien, I find it a hard Pokemon to poke flaws into. The only thing I'd really change about is is maybe give it some claws, but perhaps it's already stomping on Weavile's territory enough, being a speedy Ice/Dark type. Despite appearances, it's quite solid!

Personal Score: 8.5/10 

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