Let's Talk About Pokemon - Farfetch'd



083: Farfetch'd

Whoops. Almost the entirety of my previous review on Farfetch'd was me talking about its distinct lack of evolution, but now it has one so all that is pretty obsolete. Or is it? Cause technically Farfetch'd still doesn't evolve, only its Galarian variant. But I guess it's good enough either way.

But Farfetch'd has a pretty peculiar origin. It's based on the Japanese phrase "A duck comes bearing bunching onions." That is to say, "Something surprising but convenient", I suppose because duck tastes delicious with leeks or something. Hence its name literally being far-fetched.

The design is simple enough for what it is, and it gets the point across for more or less being a joke monster. (Farfetch'd was, fittingly enough, incredibly rare back in the day.) It sorta exists to be the Pokemon world's duck, and has a fun little visual gag to go with it. Not wild, but still fun for what it is. Though part of me wonders what else they could do for basing Pokemon off of silly phrases. Would that make Sewaddle "Snug as a bug in a rug"?

Personal Score: 6.5/10

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