Let's Talk About Pokemon - Mew


The review is hidden under the Mew.

151: Mew

There it is, the original “final” Pokemon. Mew is our very first “Mythical” Pokemon. Which, as far as I'm aware, is only a term coined fairly recently, which basically refers to Pokemon that are for the most part completely unobtainable without participating in events, such as wifi downloads or what have you. The way you get these today is so much better than how it was back in the day. To get Mew, you had to go physically go to a Nintendo event. Which to my knowledge was only in select areas. So if you're lower-class and not anywhere close to these events, you were just S-O-L. Even today, mythics really throw a wrench into the whole "catch em all" thing cause they, by design, almost inhibit the ability to catch them all if they're not in the game itself. But I digress.

Mew is a simple but effectively cute design. It somewhat has to be a super-simple design, given its lore as the common ancestor of ALL Pokemon. Dunno how some pink, psychic, floating cat thing eventually evolved into plants and fish, but whatever. That's just me nitpicking. Also is it just me, or does Mew's tail look like a sperm cell? It'd make sense, given Mew's basis as a genetic Pokemon. But I wonder just how on-purpose that really is.

What does seem to be on purpose, however, is that it's seemingly designed after an animal fetus, or at least catches the general vibe of one. Getting the obvious observation out of the way, it's pink all over. And I'll steer away from showing pictures myself for obvious reasons, but animal fetuses can look fairly non-descript and even appear completely different from the animal they'll eventually grow into, especially in the early stages. Mew definitely feels designed like this in mind. Many say it's a cat, but the only trait it really has similar to a cat is the pointed ears. It otherwise just looks like it could be any ol' animal, which really works for Mew's idea where it precedes any and all organic Pokemon.

Personal Score: 7.5/10

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