Let's Play Archive - Kirby and the Forgotten Land on May 03, 2022 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Playlist1 - a tulip below a shady tree2 - a room with a company logo3 - a donut that flees the ape's fist4 - two seagulls that want to say hi5 - nothing but a few picky checkmarks6 - water with double standards7 - wrestling a tree while naked8 - constantly a second short9 - gotta keep you guessing where ghosts are10 - if you fly slowly around a cat you'll get hit!11 - the snow wolf wanted to come too12 - should've been yesterday13 - harnessing dragon power can wait14 - untouched by two dudes15 - maneuver this man's body slam16 - kirby's not getting power tools today17 - remember to shave your apes18 - wanted: armadillo who is susceptible to hammers19 - meteors will make a walrus explode20 - under the weight of aggressive industrialization21 - cheekily hidden money cache22 - chekhov's nap23 - leongone24 - mask just out of grasp25 - corner box ghost26 - accidentally flushed your soul27 - corner box ghost returns28 - a stone to remain rare29 - i was under the assumption i'd forget something30 - soul-crushing stone31 - no ultimate power... yet32 - my ability to play video games33 (AND HERE WE ARE) - many dozen plastic figures gone forever Comments
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