Let's Talk About Pokemon - Spinda


327: Spinda

Another of Gen 3's forgotten one-offs, Spinda is at least a little interesting. Design-wise it seems to be based on a red panda, between the coloration and similar proportions. It has a funny cartoon "dizzy" face, and is animated constantly stumbling around in a confused daze. Spinda, as such, is themed around the confusion status, with moves like Teeter Dance to confuse opponents and having one of two abilities that makes it either more evasive while confused, or outright immune to being confused. Feels like it could've been a fun niche Pokemon to use if it were just a wee bit stronger.

Spinda is also covered in several spots, which spotlights its other gimmick, being that its spot pattern is complete rng, right down to placement and how many there are and everything. If you want to be a true, TRUE Pokemon collector, you better find space for over 4 billion possible Spinda spot patterns. It's a shame this has been solidified as Spinda's "thing", because it would be really cool even if some of the Pokemon with spots or stripes or what-have-you could have said patterns be procedurally generated.

Personal Score: 6.5/10

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