Let's Talk About Pokemon - The Beldum Family

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374: Beldum

This generation is an odd one out in that it has not one, but TWO pseudo-legendary lines! And it's an occasion to behold now especially, because this is also the last time we'll be getting a pseudo-legendary line that ISN'T Dragon type, sadly. With the line being Steel/Psychic. It'll be something truly missed, because it's nice when they allow this sort of thing to be more flexible, rather than relying on the "Remember Dragonite?" Appeal.

The way Beldum is designed is considerably more interesting than the Bagon line is already. Beldum is an odd floating - what looks like an appendage or claw of some kind - with a single eyeball. Easily one of the weirder shapes for a Pokemon in the series. It's also hilariously unwieldy, having low stats, as first-stages for pseudos tend to, and only knowing Takedown, a recoil move.

Wanna see a magic trick? You will now see the rim of Metang's saucer body as a big goofy underbite.

375: Metang

Then comes in the thing's actual gimmick: It's a composite Pokemon and its evolution makes it look like a more "complete" creature! Metang here is made of two Beldums, which have apparently magnetically combined their brains into one "magnetic nervous system", which is hilarious in concept alone. Makes no dang sense, but it's fun either way. But this now gives it a bit more of a body, plus a bit of a flying saucer look to go with it.

Naturally, just by the nature of giving it two arms and two eyes and more distinct body parts in general, Metang looks notably less abstract or weird than Beldum does. But Metang still makes up for it with having some fun hokey alien robot energy to it. It just looks a little too complete for something meant not to be complete yet.

Really working on those quads

376: Metagross

Then, two Metangs combine to form Metagross, making it made of four Beldums, and we're glad they didn't opt to essentially hand Metang a couple of legs. Instead, they handed it two couples of legs! It now has four legs, losing the armed look completely, and Metagross's spider-bot look not too unlike things like the B.O.X. robot from Metroid Fusion makes it a fun monster. It even picks up a funny edge to it with the big X across its face, which has it pass as both huge eyebrows and a mustache.

Though one of Metagross's arguably cooler features was putting that Psychic type to use and having a "hovercraft" mode, so to speak, where it folds its legs up and floats around instead. We suppose putting that magnetic themeing to use. Equating magnets to Psychic forces just overall seems like a fun motif. And Metagross having such a vastly different energy to basically any other Psychic type, looking far more brutal and physical, is a rad touch of uniqueness you can hand Metagross. The one thing we'd change is giving it four eyes. Like, cmon, if two Beldums equals two eyes on Metang, surely four would equal four eyes on Metagross!


Mega Metagross:

And of course, it ALSO gets a Mega Form, taking things even further and combining two Metangs into Metagross. One may ask if that's not just combining two Metagross, but look closely at that chin! That's a Metang's face! Just hollowed out, looking appropriately metal to have another creature's skull as its jaw, but again, PERFECT opportunity to go overboard on the eyes. It also develops four more legs that funnily just dangle out its backside, it now being a fully floating creature. The brass is also a nice addition of color!

Now if only--


Personal Score: 8.5/10

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