Let's Talk About Pokemon - Jirachi

Since you were so kind to release me, my master... I will grant you one wish.

385: Jirachi

Jirachi is this generation's Mew/Celebi, and it's when the Mew-likes kinda start to peeter out and stop being that interesting. Jirachi's shtick is that it's modeled after a star, with a big star-shaped hat with little slips on the ends. This is based on Japanese star festivals, where writing down your wish on said slip will give it a chance of being granted. Because indeed, just like with most star-fae creatures, Jirachi can grant wishes.

It's also curiously Psychic/Steel type, but who knows where the "Steel" part comes in. Our best guess is because meteorites, aka shooting stars, have metal minerals in them, but meteors are filled with all sorts of crap. Either way, Jirachi doesn't really look like any part of it is metal anyway.

There is a TOUCH of creepiness in the design, with the "marking" on its stomach turning out to be a closed eyelid, hiding a third eye. And it's freaky, this being juxtaposed on a design so innocent it could be a video game hero's Navi. But eh, it's just not enough to elevate it past "mildly interesting." Maybe had it been a Kirby Final Boss case where the cute fae critter is a facade and the eye reveals its true self, we'd be talking a different tune. But as is, in terms of neat Psychic types, the Pokemon after this one kinda steals the show.

Personal Score: 6.5/10

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