Let's Talk About Pokemon - Iron Valiant

Scarlet/Violet model gifs ripped by Twitter user adamsb0303!

At last, we will have our revenge.

1006: Iron Valiant

Iron Valiant, on the other hand, is Mega Gallade, but throwing in some elements of Gardevoir too, I guess so it doesn't feel left out. Gallade is rather notably one of my least favorite Pokemon of all time, meanwhile Gardevoir is up there as one of my favorites. So what happens when you combine the two? Something that isn't as bad as Gallade, but isn't anywhere near as great as Gardevoir either. Who'da thunk?

At least in part served because a lot of Gallade's more annoying features look better when you roboticize it. Its proportions looking a little better when segmented and smoothed out to match the look of a funny robot. I kind of like the "skirt" bits that dangle off its waist like silly, overly dressy fantasy armor. Even if it isn't fool-proof; I'd still rather just be done away with the silly mohawk and something else be done with those pigtails.

At least something a little neat is being done with its roboticization, with it having hard-light arm blades than can then detach and combine into a double-bladed staff armament. It's cool and distinct, and set it apart both from the other Irons and even its own Pokemon of origin, which more of the future Paradoxes needed. There's so many cool sci-fi tools other than "bits that float"! Thus Bundle and Valiant here definitely win with regards to most creative application of the robot theme. Just a shame more of the guys, Jugulis especially, couldn't follow suit. The only thing really "wrong" with it is that it's still a far less interesting interpretation of a "knight" as Gardevoir is, but I guess that's just gonna happen when you're conjoined to Gallade as a concept.

Personal Score: 8/10

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