Let's Talk About Pokemon - Drowzee and Hypno


Voted number 1 for most punchable face.

096: Drowzee

The Drowzee pair make up a couple of Gen 1's spookiest Pokemon, to which it's no wonder when Pokemon Go had their Halloween Event, Drowzee and Hypno were included on the list of Pokemon with increased spawn rate. It's got an interesting look, no other Pokemon even looks like it that much. I'm more interested in the lore of Drowzee than its physical design, to be quite honest. Its described as being able to eat dreams.

Drowzee is based on a Baku, a somewhat obscure creature of Japanese mythology which eats people's dreams. It looks like a tiger with the head of a tapir, a smaller trunked animal that Drowzee obviously takes influence from.

As for the design itself, it's creepy and unsettling enough, though I feel like it could've been taken a step further in one way or another. It's got a creepy face, and known for wiggling its fingers in a hypnotic motion, but that's about it. I think its design could've gone into looking more dream-like or even like something your nightmares may have conjured up one time. Yokai Watch normally isn't my bag in terms of creature design, but I have always appreciated its interpretation of a Baku creature for being just a little more out there and weird. Drowzee's overall neat, but nothing that wows me a ton.

Personal Score: 6.5/10

The penultimate boss to Kirby Star Allies.

097: Hypno

Hypno, on the other hand, I'm torn on. It's a little creepier and a bit more of its own original thing. And I definitely feel like its odd, very man-like body is meant to trigger a bit of uncanny valley on purpose to make its design all the more unsettling. And it's got even creepier lore where it evidently hypnotizes and kidnaps people. 

But I just can't bring myself to like it. It looks just a little too naked for my liking especially. And its design is just... unpleasant. Again, I'm sure that's the intended reaction, but that doesn't make me like it personally. Though I can definitely see what the rare fan of it sees in this creepy weirdo. Just for me, it's so uncomfortably A Man in a way that I can't just get over.

Personal Score: 5.5/10

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