Let's Talk About Pokemon - Murkrow


And they called it a murder

198: Murkrow

Murkrow doesn't get as much recognition as I feel it deserves. It's sad that this guy is somehow just a one-off with no evolution, at least until Gen 4, but look how DARLING it is. Murkrow is one of those Pokemon that are just perfect for Halloween, not just being a funny-looking crow, but also sporting something that resembles a witch hat, and even a tail that looks like the brushy end of a broom-stick.

And that face is simply adorable. The dreary eyes are good on their own, but then they throw in the crooked, weird beak, and Murkrow's just the ideal!! I just wish it evolved into something... let alone something that kept its endearing personality instead of replacing it with yet another smug, confident Pokemon. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Murkrow's just one of those simple but REALLY nice designs.

Personal Score: 9.5/10

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