Entry 040: Wood Remains
Here's a really interesting Zombie type! This shambling ghost is apparently the animated remains of a dead tree, with a body made of mangled plant matter and branches jutting out of its body. It's a really cool creepy visual for a monster design! Not to mention the unusual body shape gives it a hint of unease, almost in the same kind of way early Silent Hill monsters are misshapen messes of flesh. This is like that, but with wood.
I feel like the only thing missing from it is just a little bit of design clarity. I always got the hint that this is a dead tree twisting and mangling itself into a "zombie" shape, but then it forms a human skull for some reason? Did a human die near it? Did it take a skull and assimilate that into the rest of its body? Or did it just form the shape of the skull out of its bark? I kinda prefer the last explanation, but it isn't wholey clear. Otherwise, it's lovingly brilliant.
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