Let's Talk About Pokemon - Corsola

The face of one yet to be touched by the horrors of this world

222: Corsola

Oh Corsola, you poor little thing. On one hand it's nice that it got a regional variant and said regional variant gets a new evolution, but that sadly leaves default Corsola feeling a little lacking by comparison. It'd be nice if it got a happier evolution that's a gigantic coral growth, visibly being several Corsola merged together like how coral irl are colonies of polyps.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Corsola is a cute design, relatively inoffensive and sort of just lacking in edge. It definitely feels like a mon that exists mostly to fill out the biodiversity of the 'Dex. These days it's mostly just kind of funny how the poor thing has become the butt of a joke twice now, after they've introduced a dangerous predator for it and a new form where it's just Corsola but dead.

Personal Score: 6/10

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