Let's Talk About Pokemon - Chi-Yu

Scarlet/Violet model gifs ripped by Twitter user adamsb0303!

You know what that means!

1004: Chi-Yu

And the last member of the Fiasco Four is the set of beads, somehow forming a body made of flame into the shape of a fish! To be more precise, a bubble-eyed goldfish, by the looks of it! With the beads forming appropriately beady eyes. Appropriate that the smallest of the group is the envious one. And of course, there's a tidbit about it swimming in lava, because that's always a fun one. Though I almost wish such an idea got saved for a more normal Pokemon and not a Legendary! Bubble-eye goldfish that swims in bubbling lava? That's such a banger idea! Oh well.

And the pattern on its body looks appropriately pretty for a koi or goldfish pattern, with a lot of flowing bits to give it the suggestion of fire. Though I wish it was more overtly MADE of fire, because it still looks a lot like there's a physical body present.

Still though, worth it to say that this animal is a Legendary in Pokemon.

Personal Score: 8.5/10

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