Let's Talk About Yu-Gi-Oh! - Thunder Kid

 Entry 017: Thunder Kid Couple

A smile only a mother could love

Huh, another creature that in retrospect gives me just a little bit of Digimon vibes. Either way, it feels pretty typical for an anime gremlin creature that you can tell has never been up to any good in its entire life just by looking at it. This one has the added benefit of being a lizard-esque creature... and AM I detecting a little Pikachu parody? Or is that reading too hard into the fat body, zig-zag tail and yellow-and-red color scheme?

One thing I'm less a fan of is the lips. As I've said before, something about huge, prominent lips in a design just sets off some inherent "don't like it" feelings in me, I have no idea why. You're a lizard! You shouldn't even have lips!

You're a kid now, you're a lizard now

I do like the purple one better, it kinda breaks away from the extremely typical yellow color scheme that comes with electricity-based monsters, and since the color is pretty adjacent to red, it somehow makes the bigness of the lips a little easier to ignore.

Personal Score: 6/10

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